Stress Management with Hypnotherapy
With the ever increasing demands of work and modern day living, it is vital that we manage our stress levels wisely both in the workplace and at home. With our specialist help you too can lead the healthy, happy and fulfilling life that you deserve!
What is Stress?
Stress is anything that makes you feel tense, anxious, worried, scared, angry, frustrated or unhappy. As a general rule, any event that significantly changes your daily routine is a potential trigger for stress. We say ‘potential’ because a lot depends on your natural inherited instincts, personality type and general attitude towards life and change. This explains why people react differently to stress.
Test yourself: What causes you stress?
Recognising the Signs of Stress
When normal every day events that you would usually take in your stride feel like too much of an effort (maybe a ‘disaster/crisis’) and start to get you down then you are probably suffering from stress. Feeling physically tired, mentally drained (known as ‘burn out’) and constantly suffering from recurring minor illnesses such as headaches, stomach upsets, colds, sore throats, aches and pains, mouth ulcers etc. are all signs that you are run down and that your immune system is struggling to cope.
Help yourself
- Recognise the signs of stress.
- Read about Stress Awareness.
The Effects of Stress
A small amount of stress is useful and good for us because it’s motivating and makes life interesting. However, severe or ongoing stress can have very negative effects on our health.
When too much stress affects our health and well-being, it can interfere with our work, jobs, home and social lives. Prolonged periods of stress and anxiety can lead to Panic Attacks, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Depression and exhaustion. The negative weakening effects of this vicious cycle can then sometimes make it more difficult to do anything about the factors causing the stress. In extreme cases, it can lead to a physical and/or emotional breakdown.
Getting Help
Clinical Hypnotherapy could help you get to the root(s) of the problem providing permanent relief from the symptoms. The important reprogramming work we do during therapy allows you to cope differently in future. There will always be a certain amount of stress in your everyday life, it is how you react to it that is important. If you really want to change your life then you can, you just need a bit of help.
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and let us help you find the way to a Richer Life!