How Psychosexual Therapy could help You
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
Sex is meant to be a natural and instinctive activity but it can certainly cause us a lot of stress and upset. A lot of this is because men and women function so differently. Our natural instincts, inherited from our ancestors are very different: a man’s survival instinct is based on destruction and a woman’s on nurture. Is it any wonder there is so much misunderstanding between us! The key to conquering all sexual problems and difficulties is understanding and communication.
The Sorts of Problems Psychosexual Therapy can help with
Psychosexual problems and difficulties tend to fall into four main categories:
1. General Problems
These are general difficulties experienced by individuals and couples.
• Exhibitionism. | • Post-coital Depression. |
• Post-coital Guilt. | • Masturbation Complex. |
• Retrospective Jealousy. | • Erotomania. |
• Apparent Addiction | • Fetish. |
(often actually sexual obsession
e.g. internet pornography).
2. Male Problems
These are directly related to men e.g. Erectile Dysfunction or Premature Ejaculation.
• Erectile Dysfunction. | • Dry Ejaculation. |
• Premature Ejaculation. | • Lack of Sex Drive. |
• Witheld Ejaculation. | • Fetish. |
• Retarded Ejaculation. | • Pelvic Steal. |
• Penetration Anxiety. | • Priapism. |
• Ejaculatory Pain. | • Peyronie’s Disease. |
3. Female problems
These are directly related to women e.g. Anorgasmia and Vaginismus.
• Lack of Sexual Desire. | • Anorgasmia. |
• Intercourse Anorgasmia. | • Vaginismus. |
• Penetration Anxiety. | • Vaginal Dryness. |
• Sexual Aversion Disorder. | • Post-coital Nausea. |
• Hyper-Orgasmia. | • Dyspareunia. |
• Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome. |
4. Mechanical Problems
Problems associated with anatomy and how the body works.
Often these problems arise out of a simple lack of knowledge and understanding as to how the human body works. These issues can usually be addressed and resolved quite quickly with a little help.
Please feel free to contact us if your particular problem is not listed here so that we can discuss this with you in confidence.
Why choose Psychosexual Therapy
If you are fed up of having a poor or non-existent sex life and want to overcome your problems and difficulties once and for all, call us now to discuss your worries and concerns in confidence. There really is no need to suffer in silence, help is just a phone call away. Even if we feel we cannot help you, we will refer you onto another Therapist who can. So you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Who can Benefit
Anyone can benefit from Psychosexual Therapy provided they genuinely want to create positive change and improve their sex life. It doesn’t matter that you don’t necessarily know how you are going to do that - that’s why you need a little expert help!
The Client Centred Approach
Our Psychosexual Specialist Therapists work in a client-centred way which means that you will receive the therapy that is just right for you, your personality type and the goals you are seeking to achieve. We are all totally unique, and we are able to draw on our extensive knowledge and experience using the appropriate methodology to help you get to where you want to be. We will often use a combination of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as part of our treatment plan.
Duration of Therapy
This very much depends on the individual, their personality type and the presenting problem. In some cases a few sessions may be all that is needed whereas in others a more investigative style therapy may be required. As a rough guide this could be 6 to 12 sessions or in the case of standard Psychotherapy a longer term course of treatment with more ongoing, regular support may be needed.
Rest assured clients are never in therapy longer than they need to be as our objective is to help you achieve your goals. Each client works in a different way and at a different pace, and we adapt to you and your individual needs.
All sessions are held on a weekly basis and last 60 minutes unless agreed otherwise.
CALL 01245 444105 NOW
and let us help you find the way to a Richer Life!